Author - admin

The Stars 巨门 and 天相

After going through the concept of ‘energetic’ and ‘stable’ stars for the earlier post, i went through 12 of the 14 stars, stating their’energy’ level. Now we will deal with the last 2 major stars:巨门 and 天相. Both of the stars are considered as ‘stable’ stars, but 天相 is considered a energetic star among the...

Meaning Of Courts In 紫微

As mentioned in the Introduction to a 紫微 chart , there are 12 sectors in a chart that can stand for various courts like 命宫,父, etc that states the important parts in one’s life. Most books will tell you these courts stands for your parents, wife, etc… I will now try to bring another perspective...

Starting of the Forum

The forum has been started. This will enable anyone with burning questions about ziwei doushu to post and i will try to answer them as best as i can. I have started a few topics today, with more to come. Do drop in the forum and read them and ask questions if you feel like it. ck

Reading 紫微 Charts

Today, 2 new parts are added to the website: Special ScenariosHow to read a ZiWei DouShu Chart With the addition of these 2 parts, visitors will be able to put all together and do a basic read of his/her chart. I have not gone into how to plot charts in this website. Many students will not be...