The next 4 stars are stars which changes according to the year of birth. To describe them as wild cards is quite appropriate as u will discover as I continue to explain them to you.
- The 4 stars are not actual stars that have their own characteristic, but they are tag-on stars. By tag-on, I mean the 4 wild cards will attach themselves to 4 of the major stars and envelope the stars
- When the wild card is tagged on the major star, it modifies the major star. The major star still has it own character, but it is modified depending on which wild card is attached to it
- Thus, to know the actual effect of the wild card, we need to know the character of the major star and the way the wild card modifies it
Let me introduce you to the 4 wild cards:
- 化禄: This wild card when tagged onto a major star, will modify it by increasing its effects terms of improving its effects in terms of improving Relationship, Wealth
- 化权: This wild card when tagged onto a major star, will modify it by increasing its effects in terms of improving Authority, ‘Power’
- 化科: This wild card when tagged onto a major star, will modify it by increasing its effects in terms of improving Competence, Academic Knowledge
- 化忌: This wild card when tagged onto a major star, will modify it by giving problems, creating a flaw in the character of the star
- A simple understanding is that 化禄,化权,化科 will make the star better while 化忌 will not
- These 4 wild cards have no brightness of its own. Its brightness depends on the brightness of the major stars. In the same way brightness of stars function, the brighter the star the better. So, if 权,禄,科 attaches to a level 5 star, it will help to make to make the star better. If 权 ,禄,科 attaches itself to a level 1 star, its effects will not be felt much. The best scenario is for 权,禄,科 to attach themselves to a level 5 star, thus making 权,禄,科 brightness at level 5 too
- If 化忌 is attached to a level 5 star, its bad effects will not be felt as much, as a level 5 star will show off a lot of the good qualities of the star. If 化忌 is attached to a level 1 star (level 1 star has no brightness and will show the bad qualities of a star), it will make the bad qualities worse
Out of the 14 major stars, only certain stars will 化禄,化权,化科,化忌. I will not go into what stars, but you need to understand the basic principle of the 4 wild cards as stated above. I will give a few examples below to explain: