

The pair of stars 羊,陀 can create great impact in the charts.

羊: This star be found in all sectors of a chart except 寅,巳,申,亥. 羊 will never be found in these 4 sectors. The important association with 羊 is the “knife”, “sword”. When we see 羊 in any sector, this is what should come to mind. As u can see, with such a association, most people will regard this star as a ‘bad’ star. I will simply view this star as a aggressive star, and whenever it is good or bad will depends on where and with what star it accompanies.

擎羊,陀骆 Table

羊 is also a star with its own brightness. Instead of 5 grades, we simply grade it as bright or dim.

  • The star is bright when found in sectors: 辰,未,戌,丑
  • When bright, the star will display a strong character, wants a certain ‘amount of power’, has plans/ideas to overcome problems
  • The star is dim when found in sectors: 卯,午,酉,子
  • When dim, the star will display a weaker character, may not ‘want to hold on to power’, lack of ideas/plans

Thus to read a chart with 羊 inside, we must remember its brightness and that it is associated with a ‘knife’. In addition, it is also associated with competition and ‘小人‘. People are out to make problems for you.

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