6 Helper Stars

Before moving into each star, I will roughly run through in what ways the stars are helper stars.

文昌: This is an academic star. It will help in areas of academic fields that require calculation like money issues, planning, etc. It also makes a person better in the academic field

文曲: This is an expressive star. It helps in making a person more expressive, able to articulate. It also makes the environment more lively

左辅: This is truly a helper star. It multiplies the effects of the major star that it accompanies (unfortunately it will help any major star, whether the major star has good or bad qualities)

右弼: This is also a helper star. It also multiplies the effects of the major star that it accompanies (unfortunately it will help any major star, whether the major star has good or bad qualities)

天魁/天钺: These two helper stars ensures the person receives help from elders. It has the weakest influence compared to the 4 above. It will show these qualities only in the company of stars that exhibit good qualities or when it stands alone in a sector. If the major star has bad qualities, these two stars will be too weak to have any effect